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6025 Huddleston St., Haltom City, TX 76137
Office: (817) 427-2112
Fax: (214) 666-9950
6025 Huddleston St., Haltom City, TX 76137
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The Power of the Sun at Your Finger Tips
Termicol solar thermal collectors are developed to use at low temperature applications (below 100 º C). Its operation is based on the greenhouse effect and the absorbent surface, and are designed to withstand the hardest weather conditions.
The solar panels convert the sun's energy into heat energy, raising the temperature of a fluid, water or antifreeze, that circulates inside. Among the many applications we can mention the production of hot water, pool air conditioning, heating, cooling ...
Size and Materials
Termicol collectors come in two sizes that allow a design and installation versatility, being adaptable to different types of roofs, depending on their size or shape.
Standard sizes, models T20, with 2.0 m2 of gross area which are available both vertical and horizontal layout. T25 models, meanwhile, are collectors with a gross area of 2.5 m2, and are indicated for large installations because it produces an interesting economic saving by reducing the number of units for the same total collector area
All solar collectors of Termicol are made with a very high quality materials in order to reach a great durability:
•Cover:Tempered Solar Glass
•Frame: Anodized Aluminum
•Sealing: EPDM joints
•Rear material: Anodized aluminum
•Connections: fittings with brass ring
Types of Systems
For small and medium size installations and an optimum architectonic integration we offer forced systems with capacity from 150 to 1000 liters, in different versions:
•Standard models, the most economic ones;
•Models ¨Solar Station¨, easier and faster to be installed;
•¨Termidrain¨ models which combine energetic efficiency with the natural protection that offers the system of automatic drainage, through gravity
Standard systems
The different components of the system are supplied separately for a fine adaptation of the system to each situation. They are suitable for small consumptions as they store and supply from 150 to 300 liters of water.
Termidrain systems
Systems with automatic drainage can work in season where consumption is low not suffering overheating issues at the same time that collectors are naturally protected against freezing. These models are available with storage of 150, 200 and 300 liters. Suitable for single-family houses where the length of the pipes is not longer than 20 meters.
Systems with Integrated Solar Station (ISS)
The ISS models save time during the installation job while they mean a compact solution. They are available in different volumes, up to 1000 liters of storage. Therefore they are suitable both form domestic and for small centralized installations.